
guys, God is good.
oh so good.


i pray that you'll read this until the end.
i pray that the Lord will use this little blog post as a seed for His kingdom.
i pray that if you feel led, that you'll share this post with others
to encourage them and to allow Christ's message to be spread through the nations. 


*if you don't know me, my name is Shelby and I'm currently living in Jinotega, Nicaragua and serving as a missionary/intern at Children of Destiny, a Christian orphanage here in Jinotega. I use this little blog of mine to write about my love for Christ and the random happenings/thoughts I experience in life*


if you read my last few blog posts, you know that i was struggling.
struggling with handing things over to Christ and trusting in Him.
i felt alone and lost and tired.
but thankfully, Christ worked through the LifeCenter team, through the various sermons from the Crossing, and through friends and family who continued to encourage me day after day.

guys, Jesus offers transformation and redemption in our lives. 
He pours out His grace so that our lives can further mirror Him.
He turns sorrow into joy, and confusion into praise.
the past few weeks were difficult, but i wouldn't trade them for anything.
I am so thankful that the Lord has placed me here in Nicaragua.
i am thankful for the tears and the loneliness,
because those led me to pursue Christ.
those long days helped me to turn to my only constant,
to turn to my only sweet comfort who will never, ever leave me.
and for that I am thankful. 

the last team that came was here for a full week. 
and they were freaking awesome.
they allowed me to take part in their devotionals each night and allowed me to join them in doing various projects.
have you ever had a friend that just radiated Christ?
that was this team.
they washed dishes with smiles.
they fixed toilets with laughter.
they prayed over paint and poured out love to the kids.
they worshiped and sang praises to the Lord without shame,
and through these things they encouraged me and gave me hope.

their joyful actions convicted me of my selfishness and my hiding from Christ.
so i repented. 
i apologized.
i poured myself out to our Maker
and asked for forgiveness and a change of heart.

when the team left, i walked away encouraged. 
excited for the rest of my time here.
excited to serve and to glorify Christ and to form relationships.
excited to pursue these kids and to pursue the Lord like I haven't before.
excited to embrace the cold showers with a joyful and thankful heart.

and this past week, through God's sweet grace, all of those things happened.
there were still hard times, but those were made easier through Jesus.
Christ removed the stones from my heart and gave me my billionth "second chance." this isn't the first time and it won't be the last. and for that i am thankful. Christ doesn't have to keep giving me these redos. He could easily say, "Shelby, are you serious??? I've already given you at least 7 do-overs since you've been to Nicaragua, and you want me to change your entire heart? Sorry pal, that's gonna cost you."

and He's right.
it should cost me.
but it doesn't,
because He already paid the cost.
the cost that you and I owe. 
the cost that we could never afford.
the cost that we cannot even comprehend.
the cost that we should have to pay.
the cost that we very much deserve.

but here's the thing: He already paid it in full.
with His body.
on the cross.
for you.
and for me.
and for every single person,
white, black, gay, straight, male, female, young, and old.
because He loves us.
He sees our sins and He loves us still.
He sees our sins and our mess-ups and doesn't regret what He has done.
For He is the Lord who is worthy of all praise.

so friends, family, strangers,
i want to encourage you.

it's not too late.
your heart can be changed.
you can turn away from your sin and run towards Christ. 
you can ask for another chance.
you can ask for a change of heart.
nothing you've done or said can prevent you from coming to Christ.
He's waiting and He's willing to give you your billionth chance.
it's confusing and it doesn't seem fair, 
but that's what's so beautiful about it.
that's what grace is. 
it's this awesome, undeserved, precious gift from our Maker,
that He's willing to give to YOU! 
regardless of your sin. 
regardless of all the times you've messed up.
if you're drowning in sin,
He's still willing to give you this gift.
if you feel unworthy of this, join the club.
if you think you're in too deep and that there's no way God would want you as a son or daughter - 
been there, experienced that.
it's not too late guys.
you're not in too deep.
i can't say it enough.
YOU can accept the gift.
YOUR life can be transformed.
He's waiting, willing, and so in love with you.

here's a bit of raw information that I believe to be true.
maybe you'll disagree, but I feel convicted to put this out there:

solely believing that there's a God, and not living like you believe that, is not what Christianity is about.

Christ wants to be in relationship with you.
He needs you to not just believe in Him but to turn your life over to Him as well.
like every relationship, it will take work.
but what's different is that this relationship will never end. 
God will always be there.
 through trials and triumphs,
through broken earthly relationships,
through pain and suffering, 
during the best day of your life
and during the worst.

you might think: sorry Shelby, but I'm pretty happy with my own life.
I don't want to give up fooling around with guys/girls or getting drunk or smoking pot or lying or gossiping or having premarital sex or anything else that i find comfort in. my life is fun and this whole relationship with Christ thing seems like there's going to be a whole lot of rules and not a lot of fun.

but guys, the joy and life you're given through Christ 
is so much more fulfilling.
i've held on to worldly comfort. i've struggled with handing over my life.
but a worldly life full of worldly passions doesn't last.
these things will always fail you.
you get hurt. you get broken up with. you get caught.
you lose friends. you feel empty.
these things will never truly fulfill you.

i think the hardest thing about turning away from our sin is the fact that it's so hard to perceive a life apart from it. it's hard to perceive what a "Christian life" looks likes. from what you hear and from what culture tells you, Christian lives are lame. there's too many rules, it's boring and tame, and nobody has fun.

well, here i am folks. 
i have fun. i laugh. i dance. i absolutely love my life.
and i absolutely love Jesus.

Christians aren't perfect. 
we never have been, and never will be.
i complain and i'm jealous of those with hot showers.
most days i lack patience and i don't love others like God does.
but i continue pursuing Christ.
i continue to believe in His life and His power and that He'll come again.
i continue to screw up and He continues to show grace.
i don't deserve it,
but i am oh so thankful for it.

i wouldn't say these things if i didn't full-heartedly believe in them.
i wouldn't preach redemption if i thought it was fake.
i'm writing this because it's my everyday.
because it's every Christian's everyday.
i'm writing this because i've been there.
and i'm writing this because here, with Christ, 
this is where it's at y'all.

it's a beautiful thing.

if you have questions or comments, 
i'd love to answer and hear them (:


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