come to me, all who are weary

hello sweet friends,

life is hard sometimes. y'all know this. we don't live in Eden. our homes aren't seated in paradise. the world we live in is a broken, sinful, beautiful, freezing at times, hot mess of a place. due to the fall, we're the same. hurting, sinning, way too busy, worn out people trying to make a name for ourselves. and this is hard. things don't go our way. we forget about important obligations and have to face the consequences. we are worn out from studying our butts off and still not making the grade. we are exhausted from pouring into relationships and then having friends fail us and turn away. we are weary from trying to abide by God's laws when others aren't. 

guys, i don't know about you, but i'm in serious need of rest. in Matthew 11:28 (Message version) it says, 

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

hello conviction. isn't it great how God provides? even through the chaos. even through the storms. through pain, and death, and deep sorrow, He never leaves our side. Christ always wants to help us through. isn't that so mind boggling?! that the Creator of the universe wants to walk with us and work with us and keep company with us?! The Lord God who spoke the earth into motion and placed each and every star in the sky up above, graciously and willingly offers His yoke and grace to us, daily. and yet it's so easy to shrug it off and do things the way we want to do them.

not so secret confession: i try to control my life. 

i don't always "watch how God does it". and yet that is exactly what He calls us to do in order to experience the life that he so desperately wants us to experience. guys, how great would it be to truly live freely and lightly throughout the chaos of life? how nice would it be to feel rested in times of turmoil, knowing that Jesus is constantly on our side keeping us company? this is something i'm going to be working on. finding rest in my Savior during the crazy busy season of my life right now. i'll let Him turn my ashes into beauty, and wear His forgiveness like a crown. 

God is so gracious and i am so grateful. 


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