
Showing posts from December, 2014

Greater (part 1)

hi sweet friends,  i hope this advent season finds you all well! many of us are finishing up the semester with finals, and papers, and presentations. business and long to-do lists are dragging us down and can easily hinder our relationship with our Maker. even during advent, my heart is weary with all that is going on around me and in my life. but even through the stress and weight, i trust that the Lord is piecing it all together for His good. He's taking this chaos and weaving it into beauty. and for that i am oh so thankful.  i love music. it has always been a huge part of my life, whether it be playing instruments, singing, or just jamming out in my room. i easily connect to music. in high school, i thrived on worship music, but coming to college i stopped listening. this summer, the Lord absolutely changed my heart and gave me a desire to pursue Him through music once again. lately, two songs have been popping up in my life quite frequently. and by quite frequently,